Sunday 5 May 2024

Dwarf them with love

We all become angry at certain point of time, and it makes the worst out of us to come out, the devil that we all have within. And we regret, that what the heck we did, but once done is done. You can’t reverse it, you have to bear the guilt and broken by the pain with each passing day.

But you know what you could have avoided all that. Anger, hate are never solution to anything, anything even remotely. Yes, they are natural, just like your existence, your unlikeness your anger towards someone or something would be there. But that shall not take control of you. You shall be the master of your emotion, your mental health and overall well-being. And it in turn is better for your loved ones, folks around you.

If you can’t love them, just don’t hate them. Maybe you don’t agree with their point, but even then not everyone worth your precious time and thoughts to be wasted on them. After all ignorance is bliss.

And lastly if you want to be happy, try to love them, for once as unconditional as someone’s parent would love him/ her, dwarf then with love, be the bigger person. There certainly something is in stake, you may loose your trust, patience, energy, time and can even be emotionally exhausted. But even then if your heart is saying it, hear its calling once, try to spread the love, because an eye for an eye can make the whole world blind

Saturday 4 May 2024

Ekala chala

 Jadi tor daak sune keu na ase… Ekala chala

Sometimes it’s better to be lone, all with yourself, no other thoughts, no one’s perspective forced upon you, it’s just you and your introspection 

Being introvert, often I would get peace in my solitude. But I this time it was different. I was broken again. It’s always feels great to be loved, but not every one can get this. Reason can be anything, as simple as negativity, bad vibes.

But then to be truly happy, you should have no expectation, none from anyone. Once again life taught the lesson. That first page of my notebook from the 1st semester of engineering with the quote of Einstein (“if you want to live your life, tie it to a goal, not to a person, not to things”) was just jumped out of somewhere from the memory. It’s just to true.

Far from the distance of crowd, in your little adobe, you are all yourself, just like a larva in its coconut. Don’t look around for happiness. Whatever has come, it will go away someday. Don’t get attached. Try to find your purpose of life, and we all have something, we all are change makers, we all are contributing changes here or there. Now it’s time to accept the change

Ekala chala…..